
At Welbourn Church of England Primary School we have dedicated team of supportive governors who have a broad range of skills. The headteacher of the school is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school. The role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic management and to support and challenge the work of the headteacher and other staff.

The Governing Body play an important role in monitoring and evaluating school performance and ensuring rapid progress is being made towards our improvement priorities. 

Our Governors play an active role in monitoring and evaluating in school, and this year they have been involved in learning walks, lesson observation alongside the headteacher, pupil interviews and attended school visits. Many governors also attend Parents Consultations, School Productions, as well as supporting other functions within school. All of these activities enable them to gain a real perspective of our school and allows challenge to take place. 

Annual targets are set for the school's performance and for the headteacher, as well as ensuring teaching staff have performance related targets. 

As a Maintained school. the Governing Body is responsible for managing the budget effectively and ensuring best value. They can decide how many and what types of staff to employ, which equipment to upgrade or replace and what the priorities are for implementing new strategies and initiatives. Every decision made is to ultimately improve the outcomes for our children, and ensure our school is driving towards rapid improvement. 

Our Governing Body is currently split into two committees:

A full governing body, including curriculum and standards. 

Health, Safety and Finance committee. 

Click here to read about our Governor roles and responsibilities

Click here to access the meeting attendance register for academic year 2019/20

Click here to access the meeting attendance register for academic year 2020/21

Click here to access the meeting attendance register for academic year 2021/22

Click here to access the meeting attendance register for academic year 2022/23

Click here to access the meeting attendance register for academic year 2023/24

Click here to read the Terms of Reference for the Health, Safety and Finance Committee.

Click here to read the Terms of Reference for the Standards and Curriculum Committee.

Name of Governor or Member of Staff





Nature of Business

Term of Office

Neil Benton


Vice Chair

Health & Safety,  Finance


Looked After Children 

Supply Teacher


22/05/2023 to 21/05/2027

Anna Ingamells

Head Teacher

Health & Safety, Finance





Emma Brealey

Ex Officio



Director of Petwood Hotel Ltd


24/04/2023 to 23/04/2027

Sabrina Smith

Parent Governor

Chair/Chair HSF/Link

Health & Safety, Finance


Pupil Premium


08/09/2023 to 07/09/2027

Rebecca Bull




Employee at Bishop Grosseteste

11/02/2022 to 10/02/2026

Becky Hope


01/04/2023 to 31/03/2027 

Charles Skiera



Health & Safety, Finance 




12/07/2023 to 11/07/2024

Kirsty Miller



24/11/2021 to 23//11/2025

Elizabeth Francis



   SEND Education Consultancy Business 30/11/2022 to 29/11/2026

Emma Framingham



       22/05/2023 to 21/05/2027




Governors Resigned          
Mr Jay Frammingham Co-opted      

Date of resignation 14/02/2023


Rev Christine Goldsmith Ex Officio      

Date of resignation 28/02/2023


Mrs Tracy Boulter Headteacher      

Date of resignation


Mrs Rhia McCarthy Parent      

Date of resignation 07/10/2024

Mrs Jayne Watson Executive Headteacher      

Date of resignation 28/02/2025