'Believe, Excite, Succeed, Together'

Parent Forum 


  • •The parent forum aims to represent the views of all parents and to be a voice to inform our school of the needs of children and families.
  • •It facilitates communication between parents/carers and staff and governors.
  • •The forum works to provide feedback on provision, offer a parent's perspective on current policy and practice and input into decision making and planning for future provision.

We would like:

•Constructive criticism or review
•You to think of the best interests for ALL our children, staff, community

It is not time to:

•Make a complaint publicly
•Discuss your child’s learning, class, concerns
•A place to be negative or confrontational
•To support and promote children's learning
•To help the school find out what parents and carers think about important issues
•To involve parents and carers actively in school decisions
•To make plans that support the ways the school wants to develop and improve outcomes for our children
Each term there will be a parent forum, the dates and times for these are as follows: 
Term 1: Friday 30th September 2022 (10.00am)
Term 1: Thursday 12th January 2023 (3.00pm)
Term 2: Friday 23rd June 2023 (3.00pm) 
We encourage you to attend. Each session will focus on progress against a school priority and a chosen item from parental requests. 
Please email [email protected]  to request a recording of the virtual meetings, be sent the PowerPoint slides or to request a summary of the discussions and content of each meeting.