'Believe, Excite, Succeed, Together'
11+ at Welbourn C of E Primary School
At Welbourn C of E Primary School, we support our children in taking the 11+ test in September every year when children are in Year 6. As part of this, we do not provide any formal tutoring or sessions teaching the test. We provide the facility for our children to take the test on the school site and support them with this.
At the end of the summer term before they reach Year 6, all children are able to take the practice test which is sent to us by the local grammar schools. As a school we are not permitted to send this paper home but we do notify parents when this is happening and invite parents in to look at their child's paper. The teacher looks at the papers and can then provide an overview of any areas of difficulty the child had in the practice paper- parents can then decide on the support they would like their child to have, whether this is private tutoring or working through workbooks or support by parents at home- school do not provide this.
In the Autumn term, on a voluntary basis, the class teacher holds several lunchtime sessions for pupils to look at any specific worries they have in terms of the 11+ test. Again, we do not provide any teaching or clubs etc for the 11+ in school. These sessions are aimed at any pupils who would like any last minute reassurance or support with the tests.