'Believe, Excite, Succeed, Together'

P.E Curriculum 

We aim for all children to access a range of different sports and activities regardless of their ability and for children to enjoy being physically active in school, at home and in preparation for secondary school. Staff will share the same enthusiasm and act as role models.

Intent – please view the LTP for P.E. These include:

  • National Curriculum coverage for P.E
  • Fundamental skills
  • Games
  • Physical Education content
  • Success criteria

Our children participate in a range of sports such as orienteering, ultimate frisbee and pop lacrosse. 



  • Enjoyable and highly effective learning is promoted through excellent relationships, regular praise and feedback.
  • Teachers enthuse, motivate and inspire pupils to achieve their very best.
  • Pupils secure outstanding progress because teachers and coaches are organised and well-planned.
  • Teachers use their extensive subject knowledge and expertise to show pupils the step-by-step stages of learning new skills, and how to apply skills in different activities and situations.
  • Teachers question pupils to check their understanding and provide expert advice on how to attain exceptionally high levels of performance.
  • Expectations of all pupils are consistently high.
  • Pupils are challenged to work their hardest, even when they begin to tire and are encouraged to find their own ways of improving their performance.
  • The pace of learning is rapid.
  • Time in lessons is maximised to engage all pupils in vigorous, physical activity.
  • Pupils are physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • A wide range of equipment and resources, including computers and video technology, is used to enable pupils to enhance their learning and performance.
  • Pupils’ progress is systematically checked.
  • Assessment data is used by teachers and coaches to plan further challenges for more able pupils and provide additional support for the less able.


We ensure that the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school through our valued partnership with Carre's Grammar School and Inspire+. We have a range of visitors throughout the year who deliver assemblies, workshops and 1:1 mentoring. 



We aim to ensure that our pupil’s attainment is in line with or exceeds their potential. We measure this through:

  • Pupil discussions about their learning;
  • Termly summative assessments on PE tracker
  • Ongoing formative assessments to inform teacher planning
  • Learning walks
  • Governor monitoring


Through a valued partnership with Carre's Outreach we are able to offer our children a range of competitive sport both in school and out of school from EYFS through to year 6.


Click here to view our PE curriculum 

Click here to view our progression of skills for Athletics 

Click here to view our progression of skills for Games

Click here to view our progression of skills for Gymnastics

Click here to view our progression of skills for Dance

Click here to view our progression of skills for OAA