'Believe, Excite, Succeed, Together'

Computing and Esafety 


At Welbourn CE Primary School, we learn Computing to prepare our children with life skills and knowledge to enable them to use technology responsibly and safely in an ever-changing society.

Our children will access a range of technology and opportunities to enable them to become effective digital citizens.

We follow the National Curriculum for Computing,  you can view our Long term plan below. 

Click here for the Long Term plan for Computing

Click here for the Long Term overview for Computing 

You can view the topic overviews and skills that your child will be taught each term by viewing the curriculum overviews on class pages. 


Computing will be taught in discrete lessons; however, there will be many opportunities across the curriculum for children to use and apply their skills and knowledge. Our teaching will focus on three main concepts, which include:

-       Digital Literacy

-       Coding

-       Esafety


The curriculum is planned carefully to ensure that pupils build on key skills each year and learn new concepts (knowledge) alongside this to allow them to gain a greater understanding of the Computing curriculum. These concepts are broken down into termly topics and are based around the following strands of Computing:

-       Networks

-       Creating Media

-       Data and Information

-       Design and development

-       Computing systems

-       Impact of technology

-       Algorithms

-       Programming

-       Effective use of tools

-       Safety and security

Topics are planned on a biannual approach and spaced learning allows pupils to revisit key knowledge and skills.



Our approach to teaching computing will ensure that all pupils will have sufficient knowledge and skills so they are prepared for secondary school and further opportunities in future careers. Computing at Welbourn CE Primary school provides our pupils with a variety of experiences and oportunities to enable them to become digital citizens in our moder world of technology. We measure our children's knowledge and skills through:

  • Pupil discussions about their learning;
  • Termly summative assessments 
  • Ongoing formative assessments to inform teacher planning
  • Learning walks
  • Governor monitoring


Esafety is a vital part of learning in our school and is taught through our termly Routine Weeks, PSHE and our IT lessons. We also take part in National Initiatives such as Safer Internet day and Anti bullying week. 

Supporting your child at home and further information 

Please click on the link below for a range of posters outlining information and guidance about Apps, age restrictions and guidance on keeping your child safe online. 


Information for parents  


Letter to parents 2022

Safer Internet day informaiton to parents (2022) Click on the link below:


Safer Internet day 2021

This year the theme is 'An internet we trust' Mrs Boulter will lead an assembly at 11.00am on Tuesday 9th February and each class will complete an activity as part of their afternoon call. 

Please click on the links below to view information for parents:

Safer Internet day information to parents 2021

Safer internet day resources for parents 2021

Safer Internet day conversation starters for parents 2021

Safer internet Parent resource sheet 2021

 Safer internet day family plan 2021

Safer internet day 'show your support document 2021

Safer internet day 'What to trust online guide' 2021